Distributed and Collaborative Traffic Monitoring in Software Defined Networks
20141029 Wireless Internet Laboratory meeting
Two representative monitoring tasks
- Flow size counting
- Packet sampling
Distributed and Collaborative Monitoring system (DCM)
- Allows switches to collaboratively achieve
- Flow monitoring tasks
- Balance measurement load
- Performs per-flow monitoring
- Different groups of flows are monitored using different actions
- Memory-efficient solution for switch data plane
- Allows switches to collaboratively achieve
Highest measurement accuracy given the same memory budget of switches
In most networks, routers/switches independently monitor flows
- Switches may consumes tremendous resources
- Some flows may not be covered by these switches
A monitoring rule includes
- Matching fields
- An action applied to the flow
Two essensial requirements of traffic monitoring
- Load distribution
- Per-flow monitoring
The only two approaches that can achieve per-flow monitoring and load distribution are rule-based and aggregation-based flow monitoring.
- Rule-based flow monitoring
- Limited by the switch memory space
- Aggregation-based monitoring
- Still requires a large rule table
- Potential duplicate samples may occur
- Changes of small flows are hard to observe
Existing Traffic Measurement Tools
NetFlow and sFlow support generic measurement tasks based on packet sampling. Many applications, however, require per-flow monitoring, i.e., different monitoring actions performed on diffenent flows.
Netflow is a feature that was introduced on Cisco routers that provides the ability to collect IP network traffic as it enters or exits an interface. By analyzing the data provided by Netflow a network administrator can determine things such as the source and destination of traffic, class of service, and the causes of congestion. Netflow consists of three components: flow caching, Flow Collector, and Data Analyzer.
sFlow, short for “sampled flow”, is an industry standard for packet export at Layer 2 of the OSI model. It provides a means for exporting truncated packets, together with interface counters.
Two types of sampling:
- Random sampling of packets or application layer operations
- Time-based sampling of counters
System Design
DCM guarantees the following two properties
- Every packet of a targeted flow should be monitored by at least one switch on its path
- If a packet is monitored by more than one switches, duplicate monitoring can be detected
- Flows are identified by the 5-tuple, i.e., <SrcIp, DstIp, SrcPort, DstPort, Protocol>
- There is a centralized SDN controller maintaining a monitoring table
- The targeted flows
- The corresponding monitor actions
- A switch records measurement results in its local memory and reports the results to the controller periodically
The memory space for monitoring tasks in a switch is limited while the controller has enough space to store detailed flow information and monitor actions.
DCM Data Plane on Switches
The flow-to-filter matching are based on the hash of a 5-tuple. The DCM component does not perform any packet forwarding task.
- A wildcard rule applies an action to an aggregate of flows
- The function of the admission Bloom filter (admBF) is to filter the flows that are not of interest
- The action Bloom filters (actBFs) decides the corresponding monitoring actions
Controller Operations
- Monitoring load allocation
- Bloom filter contruction and updates
- Real-time Addition and Periodical Reconstruction (RAPR)
- Add immediately
- Reconstruct periodically
- Real-time Addition and Periodical Reconstruction (RAPR)
- False positive detection
- DCM can control false positive rates, but cannot completely eliminate false positives
- The controller can maintain copies of Bloom filters installed on switches
and the record of flow information
- Detect all false positives
- Limit the negative influence of them