
Git Flow Explaination

Git Flow

  • Main branches
    • master 👍
      • Production-ready
    • develop ⚔️
      • Branch-off from the master
      • Main branch for the development ✔️
      • Suppose to be always stable
  • Supporting branches
    • feature 🚀
      • branch name: feature/JIRA-298
      • Branch-off from the develop
      • Where new feature to work on
      • Need to be tested
    • hotfix 🚑
      • branch name: hotfix/JIRA-352
      • Merge back to master and develop
    • release ♻️
      • branch name: release/0.1
      • Integration testing
      • Only fixing bugs
      • Continuously merge back to develop
      • When everything is fine merge to master