
Provision VM-based Harvester Clusters with Seeder

The Harvester team often uses the ipxe-examples to spin up live and VM-based clusters for development and testing. This write-up introduces an alternative way of doing it. By leveraging the VirtualBMC project, it’s possible to use Seeder to provision Harvester clusters with virtual machines.


Harvester HCI

Harvester is a modern, open, interoperable, HCI solution built on Kubernetes. It is an open-source alternative designed for operators seeking a cloud-native HCI solution. Harvester runs on bare metal servers and provides integrated virtualization and distributed storage capabilities. In addition to traditional virtual machines (VMs), Harvester supports containerized environments automatically through integration with Rancher. It offers a solution that unifies legacy virtualized infrastructure while enabling the adoption of containers from core to edge locations.



Below is the reference architecture of the setup:

System Architecture


We need the following packages and tools installed to be able to proceed:

  • KVM/QEMU - needless to say, we need these to create VMs
  • Libvirt - RKE2 and Harvester nodes will be created using libvirt APIs
  • virt-install - for creating domain definitions (XMLs)
  • NGINX - for serving Harvester artifacts (using python3 -m http.server would work, too)
  • noVNC - for accessing the VM consoles (optional)

Environment Information

  • Hypervisor
    • IP address:
  • Networking (bridge mode)
    • Bridge name: br0
    • Subnet:
    • Gateway:



Any Kubernetes cluster would work. It’s okay to skip this section if you already have one. The purpose is to prepare an environment for installing Seeder and other relevant charts. Here we deploy an RKE2 cluster using Terraform for the completeness of the demonstration.

git clone https://github.com/starbops/terraform-rke2.git
cd terraform-rke2/
# edit terraform.tfvars to suit your environment before applying
make tf-init
make tf-plan
make tf-apply

A kubeconfig file will be downloaded under the default /tmp/rke2 directory. You may want to specify the path of the kubeconfig file while you use commands like kubectl and helm:

export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/rke2/rke2.yaml


Deploy Seeder on the cluster. Since we need the provisioning capability of Seeder, it’s required to turn off the embeddedMode flag to make it run in standalone mode.

helm repo add harvester https://charts.harvesterhci.io
helm repo update
helm upgrade \
  --install \
  harvester-seeder \
  harvester/harvester-seeder \
  --set=embeddedMode=false \
  --namespace=seeder-system \

Besides the Seeder itself, we also need Tinkerbell Boots. It’s the network boot service in the Tinkerbell stack and is also required by Seeder to provision Harvester clusters.

Note: We need a custom-built container image of Boots for Harvester provisioning to work. Hopefully, this will no longer be required in the future.

git clone https://github.com/harvester/seeder.git
cd seeder/
helm upgrade \
  --install \
  boots \
  chart/seeder/charts/boots \
  --namespace=seeder-system \

Harvester Node

Create an empty VM for iPXE boot later. This will also create storage.

Note: The MAC address should be identical to the one specified in the corresponding Inventory CR later.

$ virt-install \
    --name=harvester-vm \
    --os-type="linux" \
    --os-variant="sles12sp5" \
    --vcpus=8 \
    --memory=16384 \
    --boot=network,hd \
    --controller=scsi,model=virtio-scsi \
    --disk=path="$HOME"/libvirt/images/harvester-vm-disk-0.img,bus=scsi,size=300 \
    --network=bridge=br0,model=virtio,mac=52:54:00:01:00:01 \
    --graphics=vnc \
    --noautoconsole \
    --print-xml | virsh define /dev/stdin
Domain harvester-vm defined from /dev/stdin


Install VirtualBMC in a Python virtual environment:

mkdir virtualbmc
cd virtualbmc
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/active
python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
pip install virtualbmc

Start the VirtualBMC daemon in the foreground. If something goes wrong, you can easily spot the reason.

vbmcd --foreground

Create and start a virtual BMC associated with the VM we just created. This will make the daemon listen on the specified port receiving IPMI requests for the VM.

vbmc add \
  --username admin \
  --password password \
  --port 10623 \
  --address \
  --libvirt-uri qemu:///system \

vbmc start harvester-vm

Make sure the virtual BMC is in running status and the address/port tuple is correct:

$ vbmc list
| Domain name  | Status  | Address        |  Port |
| harvester-vm | running | | 10623 |

Let’s verify it by using the following command:

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U admin -P password -p 10623 power status
Chassis Power is off

The VM should be off. Later on, it will be booted up by Seeder.

Start Provisioning Harvester

Prepare the following manifest files:

  • AddressPool CRs: One for the nodes, the other for the VIP
  • Secret: The credentials for the virtual BMC (in our case, admin/password)
  • Inventory CR: The VM
  • Cluster CR: The Harvester cluster

In cluster.yaml:

apiVersion: metal.harvesterhci.io/v1alpha1
kind: Cluster
  name: foxtrot
  namespace: default
  version: "v1.1.2"
  imageURL: ""
  - inventoryReference:
      name: harvester-vm
      namespace: default
      name: node-pool
      namespace: default
      name: vip-pool
      namespace: default

In inventory.yaml:

apiVersion: metal.harvesterhci.io/v1alpha1
kind: Inventory
  name: harvester-vm
  namespace: default
  primaryDisk: /dev/sda
  managementInterfaceMacAddress: "52:54:00:01:00:01"
        name: vms
        namespace: default
      insecureTLS: true
      port: 10623
    enabled: false
    pollingInterval: 1h

In secret.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
  password: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
  username: YWRtaW4=
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: vms
  namespace: default

In addresspool-1.yaml:

apiVersion: metal.harvesterhci.io/v1alpha1
kind: AddressPool
  name: node-pool
  namespace: default
  cidr: ""
  gateway: ""
  netmask: ""

In addresspool-2.yaml:

apiVersion: metal.harvesterhci.io/v1alpha1
kind: AddressPool
  name: vip-pool
  namespace: default
  cidr: ""
  gateway: ""
  netmask: ""

Create the above resources using kubectl apply -f, and Seeder will try to power on the VM via IPMI and install Harvester using iPXE just like usual, as we do to bare-metal machines.

Installing Harvester

After the provisioning is done, open your browser and navigate to

Welcome to Harvester! You have a fully functional Harvester cluster now!


With the aid of VirtualBMC, we can utilize some bare-metal-specific features provided in Harvester.

Harvester Seeder Add-on

You can enable the harvester-seeder Addon if you’re running Harvester v1.2.0 or later to let Harvester manage the nodes (in our case, the virtual ones).

List of Harvester Add-ons

Now, you are able to put the nodes into maintenance mode and execute power actions against them! Please note that there must be more than one node in the cluster to put the node into maintenance mode.

List of Hosts